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Sculpting Lips

Posted by goregt On March - 24 - 2007

Sculpting the lips – time to fix some errors!

Well, I have some good news and I have some bad news. The bad news is that I checked the proportions of my sculpture in the mirror and a lot of the facial features were off. The eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth just need a lot of work. This is a good example of why you should consistently check your sculpture in the mirror when you are sculpting. I started out by checking the symmetry in the mirror but I failed to continue to do so in the later stages. If you have no idea what I am talking about then read the “Why use a mirror when sculpting” lesson first.

The good news for you is that I have to sculpt the eyes and mouth all over again. So, this is a good opportunity to show you the individual stages of sculpting the different facial features. I’ll break the sculpture features up into different lessons.

Sculpting lips in polymer clay Ok, as you can see in this picture the eyes, lips and cheeks have completely been scaled down. I spent a lot of time at this stage to make sure that the sculpture looks ok in the mirror. I will continue to check the sculpture periodically in the mirror as I progress through the lesson. Step one is to simply draw a horizontal line in the clay to identify where the mouth will be located.
Sculpting lips in polymer clay Using one of my sculpting tools I create a flat surface on the top and bottom of my line Note: The shape of the mouth is not flat under the nose and I already had a protruding lump of clay before the mouth’s line was drawn.
Sculpting lips in polymer clay This picture should give you a better idea of what I am talking about. Notice how the flat edges go out from the center of the line to the outer edges of the mouth?
Sculpting lips in polymer clay Ok, now it is time to define the area right about the upper lip. We are not done with the lips yet but I want to define the reset of the mouth before I finish off the lips. Right under the nose I create a little valley in the clay. Look at your own mouth in the mirror to get a better idea of what I am talking about (I have no idea what the medical term for this part of the body is called)
Sculpting lips in polymer clay On each side of my little valley I am going to carve out a little bit of clay.
Sculpting lips in polymer clay Now create little vertical lines in the clay to detail the lips
Sculpting lips in polymer clay And do the same for the bottom lip. Once complete, take a brush with 90% rubbing alcohol and lightly clean up the lips.

Next lesson Sculpting eyes

Previous lesson Sculpting hair

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One Response to “Sculpting Lips”

  1. Doc Hogan says:

    2 years is fashionably late, right?

    Anyhow…o picture 4, you state:
    “Right under the nose I create a little valley in the clay. Look at your own mouth in the mirror to get a better idea of what I am talking about (I have no idea what the medical term for this part of the body is called)”

    I hear that bit commonly referred to as the Cupid’s Bow. I hear it more in ref to the female lip, but it seems it would apply. Dunno.

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